Sunday, October 30, 2011

Free Large Dog House Plans - Looking Around For Creative Ideas

!±8± Free Large Dog House Plans - Looking Around For Creative Ideas

Some years ago, one of our near neighbours bought a dog, and soon afterwards it became clear to me that it lived outside all year round. At the time I thought the idea of having a pet dog live outdoors was a little callous. It is a debatable point with dog owners, I know.

Dogs can do a lot of damage inside your house. Carpets, curtains, painted wooden doors, sofas and chairs can be permanently damaged. Then there is the smell of dog urine on your expensive lounge carpet. That will linger for a long time, and if there is a thick underlay which is non porous underneath the carpet, the smell will remain there until the carpet is lifted.

Dogs can do a lot of damage in your house, that is why some people choose to house them outdoors in kennels, which are their homes. Anyway, my opinion of outdoor dog kennels has changed now that we are having a dog house built for our rather large dog. He is a golden Labrador.

If you know the breed, you will recognize that, as youngsters, they can be quite a handful. If you have got a chewer, you might definitely want him to live outside.

We did a few searches on the internet for free large dog house plans, and the results gave us a few ideas about the design and construction we wanted. We did not realize there are so many different designs for dog houses, so we had plenty of ideas to work on. I think our final choice was influenced by the personality of our dog. They all have their on characteristics, so I felt it was important to allow for that in our choice of dog house design.

We chose a closed construction, with wooden walls. As he would be outdoors all year round, we did not want him to be wet or cold at any time, so we had the structure insulated against the weather. At the same time, it is important to have adequate ventilation, to prevent the dog house from over heating.

Cleanliness and hygiene were important to us as well, so we chose a design that would allow us to remove part of the roof, enabling the dog house to be cleaned when necessary.

You can have a two room dog house if you want. An outer room and an inner one. The are many different designs to choose from. You need to avoid materials or constructions that might harm your dog in any way. And when you have made your choice, personalize it, with your pets favourite bedding and toys.

With just a little imagination, you can have a dog house which both owners and dogs are proud of.

Free Large Dog House Plans - Looking Around For Creative Ideas

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dog Kennel Plans - Ready Made Or Build it Yourself?

!±8± Dog Kennel Plans - Ready Made Or Build it Yourself?

Our daughter has been nagging us or some months now about having a dog as a pet. She likes animals, and anyway, lots of her school friends have pet dogs so why shouldn't she have one? As a parent, you probably know this is the question which finally seals the deal in the kids eyes. From that point, you have to go and get yourself a dog as a pet.

Well, we eventually gave in to this pester power,as you do. The one condition my wife gave us was that the animal had to be housed outside. My wife rightly argued that she was unwilling to risk having damage to furniture and carpets by an as yet untrained dog. However, that might change in the future once the animal is house trained.

But for now, he lives outside. At this point I had not made up my mind whether to buy a dog kennel from the store or try and build one myself. After some preliminary research into cost of the ready made, compared with self build, I decided to build one myself. By doing this I found I could save money and have the dog kennel I wanted versus a best fit version from the store.

I had no idea about what design to have, or what type of wood I should use. I have seen dog kennels before, both the real thing, and in photographs as well. My common sense told me I would need to treat the wood in order to protect it long term against rotting.

That is of course, if it was not already pre-treated when I bought the wood. On the other hand, I would not be able to use anything likely to injure or harm the animal. And, it would need to be big enough for the animal to get into and move around, both now and when she grows bigger. I didn't realize, until I sat down and thought about the project, how much detail there is in the seemingly simple construction of a dog kennel.

My next action was to acquire some dog kennel plans so I could decide which one I liked best. This was going to be custom built for this one dog, so I read up on the breed of dog, and used this knowledge in deciding the design I wanted. Building a dog kennel was no different from any other woodworking project, and I found it much easier following step by step instructions.

Dog Kennel Plans - Ready Made Or Build it Yourself?

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